Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Hey, beautiful people!  Happy new month to you all :)

Do you ever wonder why almost every day there's some bad news from some part of the world? I do. Some days I am completely overwhelmed by the ugly happenings going on in the world. It gets me in my feelings and I am pulled back into my invisible shell and just want to stay there forever. I wonder when did humanity become so wicked, when did human on human crimes become the norm. Numerous natural disasters are bound to occur at some point in some place but these days almost every bad event is caused by humans to other humans and it's heartbreaking. These thoughts make me wonder if world peace is all an illusion but then I remember the beauty the world has to offer. Almost everywhere you look, there's beauty all around you. From smiles on a baby's face to kindness from a random stranger to all the forms of nature around us and these little things give me a ray of hope again which I am grateful for.

I started taking pictures of nature around me and beautiful places to remind me there's still a lot of infinite beauty in the world. Hoping someday it'll be more than enough for us all. Every picture I ever took with my iPhone brings a smile on to my face in and this is me hoping it'll do the same to yours. I'm still an amateur photographer (I'll entertain constructive criticism) but I do hope to get better at some point. Here are some of my favorite shots below :)

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